Weight Management Consultations and Metabolic Balance® Weight Loss Program in Etobicoke

Balance Your Hormones And Lose The Weight With Weight Management Consultation!

Personalized weight management using your specific blood markers to develop an effective approach to hormone and blood sugar balance with a tailored nutrition program and personalized nutrition plan set for long-term health balance.

Hormone + Weight Loss Program

Metabolic Balance® is an innovative all-natural nutrition program that optimizes your health and leads you to a new invigorating lifestyle resulting in successful long term weight management, hormonal balance and reduced inflammation through personalized meal plans and wellness coaching.

Watch the video below for more details:

Benefits of Metabolic Balance® Include:

  • Weight loss and improved energy
  • Hormonal balance
  • Improved immune function
  • Better sleep, improved moods, less bowel and stomach problems
  • Reduced allergies and intolerances
  • PCOS, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  • Improved joint inflammation and pain

Personalized Weight Management and Weight Loss Programs in Etobicoke using the Metabolic Balance Program

The Metabolic Balance Program® was developed from the knowledge that our daily food has an enormous influence on the body. Based on your blood markers, the program is tailored specifically to your body’s needs to restore balance and facilitate weight loss.

More than a weight loss program, Metabolic Balance can get to the root cause of multiple metabolic disorders such as PCOS and help to prevent cardiovascular disease. Other conditions that may benefit include non alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

The Metabolic Balance Program takes away the guesswork of personalized weight loss, and promotes weight loss success!

The Metabolic Balance Program® was developed from the knowledge that our daily food has an enormous influence on the body. Based on your blood markers, the program is tailored specifically to your body’s needs to restore balance and facilitate weight loss.

More than a weight loss program, Metabolic Balance can get to the root cause of multiple metabolic disorders such as PCOS and help to prevent cardiovascular disease. Other conditions that may benefit include non alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

Your personalized Metabolic Balance plan shows:

  • which foods to eat to provide the right nutrients you need
  • in what quantities these foods should be eaten
  • in which combination foods are best for you
  • when and how to consume these foods
  • how to maintain your new eating habits for long term sustainable success

This Program may be right for you if:

  • you want to feel amazing in your own body again
  • you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • you have trouble conceiving
  • you are diabetic or insulin resistant
  • you struggle with food cravings
  • want more energy and vitality no matter your age
  • you have difficulties with sleep – falling, staying asleep
  • are experiencing symptoms of menopause or PMS
  • you have struggled with diets and weight loss programs in the past
  • are tired of dealing with migraines
  • you have anxiety and /or struggle with irritability
  • have high blood pressure

What the Program entails:

Lab Testing
Testing of 37 labs including enzymes, inflammation, cholesterol, thyroid, iron, glucose and more.

Easy to Follow Meal Plan
Tailored for your metabolism, deficiencies, enzymatic and hormone needs.

8 Principles of Healthy Eating
Helps create healthy habits that last a lifetime to reset metabolism and keep the weight off.

The 4 phases:

Step by step to your goal weight.
The Metabolic Balance program is based on four phases. The duration of the phases will depend on the individual goal.

Phase 1 Cleansing phase

This is the preparation phase which lasts for 2 days. On Day 1 you may have a digestive cleanse using the right method agreed with your coach. This is usually using a magnesium supplement, psyllium husks or natural laxative.

Phase 2 Detox Phase without oil

The strict phase lasts for 14 days. In this phase you should stick rigidly to the plan during these two weeks. It can be challenging to focus on the rules – but it will be so worth it!

After a period of 2 to 4 weeks, oil is reintroduced. The plan should still be followed exactly. According to observations, clients who initially stick to their plans as long as possible and without any exceptions have the most long-lasting success.

Phase 3 Relaxed Conversion Phase

In Phase 3, the amount of food is slowly increased, and new foods are introduced to the diet. In this phase, clients often find that they no longer experience reactions to food in a negative way. You will find your taste has changed. For instance, even given the opportunity, you likely no longer be in the mood to eat foods such as sweets, burgers and processed foods.

Phase 4 Maintenance Phase

This is the maintenance phase of Metabolic Balance. Now you should know what foods are best for you. In this phase, 80% of the successful clients will continue to adhere to their plans, while 20% follow their own paths.

The Path to Successful Hormonal Balance, Meal Planning, and Weight Loss

Schedule an initial consultation

You will get to know all about Metabolic Balance and discuss your weight goals and preferences, while providing your personal data.

Requisition for blood draw is provided

The analysis of your blood values forms the basis for the creation of your individualized meal plan.

Follow up appointment to discuss blood results as well as obtain you individual meal plan

You will receive your individualized meal plan with healthy, varied meals. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to change your diet. The 8 rules and the official Metabolic Balance app are there to help you out.

Individual coaching

You have your Metabolic Balance coach at your side right from the start, and that includes in person or online support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your coach at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Metabolic Balance® Program?

The Metabolic Balance® Program is a personalized nutrition and lifestyle program designed to support weight loss, optimize metabolism, and improve overall health and well-being. It is based on individualized dietary plans tailored to each participant’s unique metabolic profile and health goals.

2. How does the Metabolic Balance® Program work?

The Metabolic Balance® Program works by creating a customized nutrition plan based on an individual’s blood test results, medical history, current health status, and specific health goals. The program emphasizes whole, nutrient-dense foods and aims to balance blood sugar levels, optimize hormone function, and support metabolic efficiency.

3. What is involved in the Metabolic Balance® Program?

The Metabolic Balance® Program typically involves several key components, including an initial consultation with a certified Metabolic Balance® coach or practitioner, comprehensive blood testing to assess metabolic markers, personalized nutrition planning based on individual test results, ongoing coaching and support, and regular monitoring of progress and adjustments to the nutrition plan as needed.

4. What types of foods are included in the Metabolic Balance® Program?

The Metabolic Balance® Program focuses on whole, natural foods that support metabolic health and overall well-being. These may include lean proteins, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Foods that are highly processed, refined, or high in sugar are typically avoided or minimized.

5. Who can benefit from the Metabolic Balance® Program?

The Metabolic Balance® Program may benefit individuals seeking to lose weight, improve energy levels, balance blood sugar, manage metabolic conditions such as diabetes or insulin resistance, optimize hormone function, address digestive issues, and enhance overall health and vitality. It is suitable for adults of all ages and fitness levels.

6. Is the Metabolic Balance® Program suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

Yes, the Metabolic Balance® Program can be adapted to accommodate vegetarian or vegan dietary preferences. The program emphasizes individualized nutrition planning based on each participant’s unique metabolic profile and health goals, so vegetarian or vegan options can be incorporated into the personalized nutrition plan as needed.

7. How long does it take to see results with the Metabolic Balance® Program?

The timeline for seeing results with the Metabolic Balance® Program can vary depending on factors such as individual metabolic health, adherence to the nutrition plan, lifestyle factors, and specific health goals. Some participants may start to see improvements in energy levels, weight loss, and overall well-being within a few weeks of starting the program, while others may require more time to achieve their desired results.

8. Is the Metabolic Balance® Program evidence-based?

Yes, the Metabolic Balance® Program is based on scientific principles of nutrition, metabolism, and personalized medicine. The program’s approach to individualized nutrition planning is supported by research in the fields of nutrigenomics, metabolic health, and functional medicine.

9. Can I follow the Metabolic Balance® Program on my own, or do I need to work with a coach?

While it is possible to follow the Metabolic Balance® Program on your own using the personalized nutrition plan developed for you, many participants find it beneficial to work with a certified Metabolic Balance® coach or practitioner for guidance, support, and accountability. Coaches can provide valuable insights, motivation, and assistance with navigating the program effectively.

10. How do I get started with the Metabolic Balance® Program?

Balance® coach or practitioner in your area and schedule an initial consultation. During the consultation, you will discuss your health goals, medical history, and current lifestyle, and the coach will provide guidance on next steps, including comprehensive blood testing and personalized nutrition planning.